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Details of the Certification Process

The Certification Process takes between 1-3 years. By the end of the process, candidates will have a good understanding of the principles of Zero Balancing, and demonstrate their ability to give a full ZB session. There are two certification tracks, one for those who have an existing qualification in a recognised health care field, and the other for those starting out in the healing arts, which requires Anatomy and Physiology qualification to NZQA Level 4 min. equivalent. 


Certification begins once the application for certification has been received and accepted by the Zero Balancing New Zealand Assn. Board (ZBNZA Inc.).  ZB sessions given or received before acceptance into the certification programme will not count towards certification. However approved courses taken prior, and in any country, may be credited towards certification.


1. The cost of the programme is $960.00* which includes an administrative fee.  A non refundable deposit is charged to secure your place and if accepted by ZBNZA Board, this then comes off the cost of your Certification.  The Certification payment can be paid in Full, or monthly instalments, as per letter from Treasurer.   Payments need to be keep up to date to progress further. However FULL payment needs to be receipted by ZBNZA before you sit the written exam and the in person exam.  Once all criteria has been met then your certification process is complete.   Note: Individual courses tuition, touch-feedback and books are additional.  When you apply, you can ask for a specific mentor, or one can be chosen for you based on location and availability.  Your assigned mentor, will give you feedback on your case studies, help you find information, and support you during the whole certification process. Your administrative fee is good for 3 years, after which time if you haven't yet completed the certification requirements, your certification will be incomplete and you WILL NOT be a Certified Practitioner.  If there is a health reason stopping you completing certification, then you will need to speak with your mentor to apply for a certification extension.  Then have this accepted by the ZBNZA Board and if accepted will pay an additional fee, which gives you one year extension only, upon end of additional one year extension and you have still not achieved ZB Certification then you will be removed from the ZBNZA Certification Programme.


2. All Candidates must complete training in the the Core Protocol. These courses are pre-requisites to any of the advanced courses, whether you are on the certification track or not!

  • Zero Balancing I

  • Zero Balancing II


3. You can choose any two advanced four day ZB courses, that may include (but are not limited to) the following;

  • Alchemy of Touch

  • Geometry of Healing

  • Freely Moveable Joints

Additional approved advanced 4 day courses taught by visiting faculty or taken overseas, also count towards certification.  You may also choose to repeat ZBI or ZBII in lieu of an advanced workshop.


4. Give Fifty (50) Zero Balancing sessions, keeping a record of the dates, and initials of the client. These can all be different people, or multiple session on the same individuals. However there must be at least 10 seperate individuals.


5. Fifteen (15) of these sessions written up as short (approximately 1 page) case studies which are

submitted to a mentor for feedback. These will usually be submitted in batches of five,

approximately near the beginning, middle and end of the certification period.


6. Receive 4 Zero Balancing Sessions from Certified practitioners, in good standing and paid active

members of the Association (this does not need to be 4 different practitioners, but candidates are

encouraged to receive touch from as many different practitioners as is possible).


7. Have a touch-feedback session with an active faculty member. This involves giving a session and receiving detailed feedback on areas of strength, and areas for improvement.


8. Submit a special project or essay relating to Zero Balancing.


9. Pass a multiple choice, open-book exam.


10. Pass a practical exam – a ZB session given to a faculty member.

Note: This will be at no additional cost to the certification candidate.


11. Complete and Pass First Aid Course - then renew/update their First Aid Certificate every two years.


12: Liability Insurance is recommended for you to take out on yourself - as ZBNZA do not cover individual Practitioners or Certification Candidates.


*ZBNZA reserves the right to change this fee.


If candidate does not have *existing health care certification/licence the following are required:

  • Ethics & Professional Practice for Zero Balancers - 2 day course

  • Anatomy and Physiology equivalent to NZQA level 4

  • First aid course


*Candidates with a current nationally accredited and regulated qualification healthcare includes but is not limited to: Medical Doctor, Registered Nurse, Midwife, Podiatrist, Licensed Acupuncturist, Osteopath, Chiropractor, Naturopath, Homeopath, Medical Herbalist, Physiotherapy.


Candidates with training in the healthcare field that is non-regulated in NZ, and/or

Candidates with 2+ years as an established practitioner, will submit information about their

training to the  ZBNZA Board for review. This includes but is not limited to:

Massage therapy, Cranio-sacral Therapy, Body-Talk, Yoga Teacher, Bowen therapy.



Who can be a mentor?


1. A Certified ZB teacher in good standing with a residential address in Australia or New

Zealand can mentor a student through certification. (Some students have chosen a faculty

mentor from outside of NZ/Australia and this can be appropriate - but requires the US faculty to

be in contact and understanding of the NZ/Aus requirements and procedures which differ.


2. A Certified ZB practitioner in good standing, who has been certified for 2 years or more,  who is a paid active member of the ZBNZ Association can be appointed as a mentor with faculty approval and supervision.



Download the certification application form


Apply online for Certification



Cert application form
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